1. PURPOSE: The purpose of this policy and procedure is to provide clear guidelines and procedure to manage refund requests of trainees.

2. SCOPE AND APPLICABILITY: This policy and procedure cover refund requests for trainees according to the applicability stated in the terms and conditions mentioned in this document.


    3.1 Academic Director and Owner along with the Operations Manager

  • Ensure that resources are provided for the implementation of this policy and procedure.
  • Review and approve the request for refund as required.
  • Review the implementation of this policy and procedure.

    3.2. Training Service Coordinator

  • Responsible for the overall implementation of this policy and procedure.
  • Receiving application for refund, reviewing and validating requests before processing for the approval of the Academic Director.

    3.3. Assigned Cashiers

  • Disbursing refunds as approved.
  • Keeping records of all refunds.


    4.1. Policies

  • In the event that PRIMEXPERTS is the one who initiates cancellation of the training, the trainees shall be refunded in full or 100% of the amount he/she has paid, if necessary materials already issued are to be returned to PRIMEXPERTS.
  • If the trainee decides to cancel his/her course registration, the following terms and conditions applies:
    • Refund shall only be applicable if the trainee has cancelled his/her registration Before the Course Start Date. Trainees who cancel before the official course start date are eligible for a 90% refund of the course fees paid.
    • Refund shall only be applicable if the trainee has cancelled his/her registration Within the First Week of the Course. Trainees who cancel within the first week are eligible for a 50% refund of the course paid.
    • Cancellation made after the first week of the course is subject to “No Refund Policy”.
    • In the event that the trainee is qualified for a refund, all expenses already incurred or spent for the training shall be deducted from the actual amount that the trainee has already paid. Deductions may include but not limited to:
      • Books and training materials
      • Registration fees already paid to accreditation bodies, as applicable
      • Service Charge which is 20% of the total paid amount
      • Others
    • “No Refund Policy” shall apply for the following conditions:
      • Cancellation requested after the First Week of the Course
      • Non-attendance of the trainee or if no prior notice of cancellation is communicated to the authorized person of PRIMEXPERTS
      • If the net amount is zero after deductions were made
      • Payment made through Buy Now, Pay Later platform like Tabby, Tamara, etc. (external online payment method)
    • All refunds will be processed within 30 working days from the time of approval of the Refund Request Form.
    • Refund amount can only be released to the requester. If in any case the requester cannot collect the refund in person, an authorized representative can claim the amount by presenting an Authorization Letter and legitimate identification.
    • Refund Committee will review the request for refund and shall be composed of:
      • Academic Director
      • Training Service Coordinator
      • Assigned Cashier
    • PRIMEXPERTS reserves the right to modify this refund policy without prior notice. Any updates or amendments to the policy will be posted on the PRIMEXPERTS website and communicated to enrolled trainees.
    • If a trainee disagrees with the refund decision made by PRIMEXPERTS, they have the right to appeal the decision. The appeal process and relevant deadlines will be communicated to the trainee upon the initial refund decision. Please refer to the Trainee Appeal Policy and Procedure PP-04.

    4.2. Procedure


  • Refund Request Form
  • Email Request
  • Invoices/ Receipts


  • ACTVET Inspection Criteria and relevant regulations
  • ISO 9001:2015-Quality Management System