1. Admissions & Application Process Verification

Students must be accepted by PrimeXperts Consultancy & Training before signing the Terms & Conditions for Enrollment Agreement with PrimeXperts. To have been accepted, the student must have completed all steps and requirements within the admissions and application process. Students must comply with the Online Registration Form before completing the Enrollment Agreement process.

2. Student Identification Verification Policy

PrimeXperts Consultancy & Training adheres to a Student Identification Verification policy in compliance with regulations that require verification of a student’s identity for the education course or program purposes.

     2.1 Identification by Documents

Copy of Passport and or Emirates ID in color and Government-Issued Photo Identification card or document in color. Students must submit these documents in accordance with PrimeXperts Consultancy & Training admissions policies and requirements. PrimeXperts Consultancy & Training reserves the right to request additional sources of identification as described in our admissions policies and requirements.

3. Pre-Enrollment Disclosures

Before signing this Agreement, the student must receive the following information and understand all terms and conditions associated with enrollment at PrimeXperts Consultancy & Training. The student should understand the description of programs and courses, admissions and enrollment policies, tuition and course fees information, cancellation, withdrawal, and refund information, and services provided by PrimeXperts Consultancy & Training.

The PrimeXperts Consultancy & Training Enrollment Agreement is an agreement for educational services provided. A student shall enroll solely by means of executing an enrollment agreement. In order to maintain enrollment, the enrollment agreement shall be signed by the student and by an authorized employee of the PrimeXperts Consultancy & Training. The enrollment agreement is legally binding when signed by the student and accepted by the institution.

4. Tuition & Fees Payment Policy

A Student Account Invoice will be generated and given to the student for payment. Fees and tuition can be paid in cash, money transfer, cheque, credit card or third party financing companies (Cashew and Tabby) . All tuition payments must be received before the start of the session in order to reserve a student’s seat. All additional course fees must be paid before a student can attend.

If PrimeXperts Consultancy & Training does not receive payment before the start of the session (if the student is not on a payment plan) the student’s seat will be canceled and the program start date will be changed to the next available session.

All students have the option to apply for the Installments plans and subject for management’s approval.

As per the company’s policy, the student needs to submit a clearance form to PrimeXperts Consultancy & Training monthly to be allowed to attend the class for the succeeding month. Please note that if the student fails to settle the remaining balance, they will not receive the certificate of completion.

5. Cash Installments Policy

All cash installments students should follow the Installment dates posted by PrimeXperts Consultancy & Training Administration. A 5% of the amount will be charged monthly for late payments of 10 days.

6. Non-Refundable Fees

Students are required to pay the amount of 500.00 AED Registration / Reservation fee for programs and courses. These fees are non-refundable.

7. Cancellation Policy

A student has the right to withdraw from or request a course or program cancellation before the course start date. All withdrawals and cancellation requests must be submitted through the PrimeXperts Consultancy & Training Administration / Personnel by using a withdrawal and cancellation form; this form can be submitted through email.

8. Cancellation Period & Withdrawal Policy

PrimeXperts Consultancy & Training provides a five (5) days cancellation period from the time an enrollment agreement is signed by a student to enroll in a course or program;

     8.1 If a student makes the decision to cancel or withdraw from his or her course or program and notifies PrimeXperts Consultancy & Training within five (5) days of signing the enrollment agreement;
     8.2 In reference to Point 6 Registration / Reservation Fee is nonrefundable.
     8.3 Full Payments: Students are entitled for a 50% refund of the course fee after deduction of fees and other charges.
     8.4 Installment Payments: Students are entitled for a refund 15% of the course fee.
     8.5 Nonrefundable after five 5 (days) to all full and installment payments.

9. Collections

PrimeXperts Consultancy & Training Administration adheres to ethical and sound business practices. The collection of all tuition and student fees is conducted fairly and considers the rights of all parties. The collection of all monies owed by students for initial enrollment and continued enrollment is done according to session schedules and payment plans as outlined in admissions policies and procedures.

10. Obligation of Student Enrolled

The student is expected and required to meet all admissions requirements before signing an enrollment agreement, meet all financial obligations within the enrollment agreement, and follow cancelation and withdrawal procedures as applicable. The school adheres to confidentiality policies and respects the student’s rights and privacy. PrimeXperts Consultancy & Training Administration will provide all services listed in the Student Catalog, as outlined on our website, and required of the enrollment agreement. PrimeXperts Consultancy & Training will maintain all records of the student as outlined and will provide a certificate of program completion upon graduation.

11. Complaint Policy

If a student has a complaint or grievance towards PrimeXperts Consultancy & Training, he or she must submit a “Formal Student Complaint Form” in full. The staff member will initiate an investigation to assess the student’s grievance or complaint. The Academics and Training Director is the final authority on all academic matters and the Manager is the final authority on all additional matters. The process of completing an investigation and communicating final findings and course of action to the student is no more than 15 business days from the submission of the complaint or grievance.

12. Student Academy Integrity

Students are expected to act in accordance with ethical practices, academic honesty, and with high academic standards. A student makes the commitment to act with integrity and abstain from falsification in regards to plagiarism, cheating, and performing acts of academic dishonesty when they enroll at PrimeXperts Consultancy & Training.